Conscious Earth
At Blue Sushi Sake Grill, we're on an endless pursuit to serving incredible, fun sushi while making a positive impact on our oceans.
We're making better informed decisions on how we source our seafood and meats. Conscious Earth is more than a program with an oath for sustainable practices, it's our commitment to responsibly sourcing our seafood and respecting our Earth's ecosystems, by land and sea.
The tobiko we serve is caught by traps in Chinese, Indonesian and Brazilian waters.
Caught off the coast of California in the Pacific Ocean using Seines.
Albacore tuna caught in the Atlantic and Pacific with hand-operated pole-and-lines or trolling lines is a "Best Choice." The stocks are healthy in the Pacific and South Atlantic, and overfishing is no longer occurring in the North Atlantic. In addition, bycatch and habitat impacts are minimal.
Chum salmon roe is caught via purse seines out of the Alaskan waters.
Our marinated chub mackerel is caught by purse seines in Norway waters.
Whiteleg shrimp farmed in Indonesia in intensive ponds is a “Good Alternative.” Sufficient data exist to provide a good understanding of the industry and inform the overall assessment, despite some data gaps in chemical use and feed.
This item is eco-certified and fished in a manner that has little to no impact on the Earth's ecosystems.
Our Cuttlefish is caught off the coast of Spain in Pots & Traps.
Our Madai, also known as Red Sea Bream, is caught by marine net pens off the coast of Japan.
Bigeye tuna caught by Hawaiian fleets in the Eastern Central Pacific (including vessels landing in California) with deep-set longlines is a "Good Alternative." Hawaiian fleets have lower bycatch than international longline fisheries because of tougher U.S. regulations.
Caught in Myanmar using Pots & Traps.
This item is eco-certified and fished in a manner that has little to no impact on the Earth's ecosystems.
This item is eco-certified and fished in a manner that has little to no impact on the Earth's ecosystems.
We have chosen to do things better-- more respectfully and more transparently-- and we know it shows in our products. American Unagi eels are sourced exclusively from Maine's well-managed fishery, raised in land-based aquaculture systems located on the coast of Maine, and our eels are fed a high quality diet without the use of hormones or antibiotics. American Unagi is providing our customers with a traceable, safer, and ultimately, more sustainable eel choice than what exists on the market.
The tobiko we serve is caught by traps in Chinese, Indonesian and Brazilian waters.
The tobiko we serve is caught by traps in Chinese, Indonesian and Brazilian waters.
Tilapia farmed in Indonesia in freshwater net pens is a “Good Alternative.” The tilapia we source are raised in large floating nets in pristine deep-water lakes, resulting in the finest all-natural tilapia on the market. The tilapia is fed high quality grains and swim against the lake current to produce firm, clean-tasting fish, free from chemicals, growth hormones, antibiotics and carbon monoxide (a common preservative used in seafood). By raising the fish in natural environments, we can ensure that the tilapia taste better and is better for our customers.
Common octopus caught in Portugal and Spain with pots or traps is a "Good Alternative." The stocks are likely stable, but management could use some improvement. There are no bycatch concerns in the pot fishery.
Masago, or smelt roe, is caught via purse seines out of the coasts of Iceland.
Our Hirame is caught in the waters of Jeju Island, just off the coast of Korea by indoor flow-through tank methods.
Farmed in the Netherlands in recirculating aquaculture system, Dutch Yellowtail is listed as "Best Choice."
Available when sustainable.
Farmed Iceland scallops are a "Best Choice." Antibiotics and feeds are not used in scallop farming, there's no effluent and chemical use and ecosystem impacts are minimal.
Spot prawn is caught in Canada in the North Pacific Ocean by pots & traps is a "Good Alternative." The conservation measures are rated highly effective overall for the Washington and British Columbia fisheries.
Our escolar is caught off the coast of Hawaii by deep set longline methods.
Try our White Tuna sashimi or nigiri
Our escolar is caught off the coast of Hawaii by deep set longline methods.
Try our Black Tuna sashimi: squid ink and soy cured
Our Blue Crab is caught in lift nets off the coast of Nicaragua.
Atlantic salmon farmed in Maine; British Columbia, Canada; the Faroe Islands; and Scotland’s Orkney Islands as well as the Verlasso® (Chile), and Blue Circle Foods® (Norway) brands are "Good Alternatives." Most environmental impacts (or the risk of impacts) are low or moderate.
A few of our faves include: Philadelphia, Sake Toro Nigiri. Try it with a cold, dry sake
White shrimp caught in the U.S. with bottom trawls and Florida with skimmer trawls is a "Good Alternative." Even though all U.S. Gulf states enforce federal requirements that bottom trawls have turtle excluder devices (TEDs) and Florida requires TEDs on skimmer trawls, bycatch of threatened or endangered turtles remains a serious concern. White shrimp stocks are healthy in U.S. waters.
Atlantic salmon farmed in Chile are "Good Alternatives." Most environmental impacts (or the risk of impacts) are low or moderate.
A few of our faves include: Philadelphia, Sake Toro Nigiri. Try it with a cold, dry sake!
Atlantic salmon farmed in Maine; British Columbia, Canada; the Faroe Islands; and Scotland’s Orkney Islands as well as the Verlasso® (Chile), and Blue Circle Foods® (Norway) brands are "Good Alternatives." Most environmental impacts (or the risk of impacts) are low or moderate.
A few of our faves include: Philadelphia, Sake Toro Nigiri. Try it with a cold, dry sake

Feel-Good Sushi.
Happy Oceans.
Being sustainable isn’t a destination, it’s an endless pursuit to improving how we operate and how we influence others to make more earth-conscious decisions. When you choose to dine with us, you’re helping transform the industry.
Seafood Watch®
Seafood Watch empowers consumers and businesses to make informed choices using a comprehensive ratings system that indicates which seafood items are “Best Choice” or “Good Alternative” or best to “Avoid."
Best choice
These options are caught or farmed using highly sustainable practices that avoid overfishing and respect natural habitats and other wildlife.
Good Alternative
These options are caught or farmed sustainably, but with some areas for improvement.
These seafood options are overfished or caught/farmed in ways that harm other marine life or the environment.
Blue Sushi Sake Grill is committed to following the recommendations of the Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch® Program by prioritizing fisheries or aquaculture operations that are rated a Green Best Choice, Yellow Good Alternative or that from eco-certified sources recognized by Seafood Watch.
Our Plan for Transforming
the Food System
We believe sustainability is the most vital ingredient to great food. The following goals outline our current practices and future goals to becoming a leader in selecting only Earth-friendly seafood, meat, poultry, and eggs:

What we do
Strengthen our commitment to animal welfare by updating our Conscious Earth policy to ensure it reflects the latest best practices and industry standards.
Promote transparency and accountability by working with our suppliers to ensure that all of our ingredients are sourced responsibly and meet our strict standards for ethical treatment of animals.
Reduce our environmental impact by sourcing more plant-based ingredients and promoting sustainable fishing practices.
Educate our customers and employees about our commitment to animal welfare and the steps we are taking to promote sustainability and ethical sourcing.
Continuously monitor and improve our animal welfare practices ensuring we are meeting our goals and making a positive impact on the environment and animal welfare.

Why we do it
At Flagship Restaurant Group, we are committed to promoting responsible sourcing and improving animal welfare across our supply chain. We recognize the importance of ethical treatment of animals and are working closely with our suppliers and partners to promote transparency and drive positive change in animal welfare practices. Our Conscious Earth initiative covers various aspects of animal welfare, including the avoidance of antibiotics/hormones, sustainable fishing practices, and responsible sourcing of meat and poultry. We believe that by working together, we can make a positive impact on the environment, animal welfare, and the communities we serve. We believe sustainability is the most vital ingredient to great food.

Partnership with the Seafood Watch®
Our partnership with the Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Seafood Watch®, an organization that shares our passion for sustainable seafood, supports our efforts by providing the ground work and guidelines that allows us to serve seafood that is responsibly caught or farmed, and never from the avoid or red category.
Our beef is pasture raised and fed a vegetarian diet. Never given antibiotics, hormones or steroids.

Our laying hens are cage-free and certified humane.

All cattle are bred, born, raised, and processed in the United States on sustainable ranches.

100% of our broiler chickens are-cage free and maintain a maximum stocking density of 6.0 lbs./sq. foot. Our broiler chickens are in compliance with all standards via third-party auditing and annual public reporting on progress towards this commitment.

Our broiler chickens will be compliant with Version 1 of the BCC. GAP Step 3 certified with CAS. Given outdoor access and shade, a natural vegetative cover, and ample enrichment types. Never given antibiotics, hormones, or steroids.